Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hip Hop and the Occult: p2 Jay Z, Kanye, Nas, and Secret Societies

Sorry folks, I gotta start the Hip Hop and the Occult series ALL over again. YT killed my channel.

But back on topic, lemme ask you a question. Is Jay Z a Freemason? Is he part of a secret society? What does that secret society believe in? What teachings do they follow? What's their ultimate goal? Is it a religion? Is it just a group that gets together to eat pizza and beer and have secret handshakes?

Y'all need to do some research on fraternal orders and their impact on society due to members holding key positions in politics, business, and the media. 

The original name of this is Occult Secrets of Jay Z, Kanye & Nas by skeetsers. All I'm attempting to accomplish with Hip Hop and the Occult is pulling together all the various vids that delve into the occult/esoteric aspect of Hip Hop. I'm just giving all the separate vids a common heading. It makes it a helluva lot easier for those willing to look into this sort of research so that they can find just about all of it in one place yet STILL have the links to see the whole channels of the originators.

Bringing them all under a common theme. PLEASE visit the pages of the originators and subscribe to them. Its worth it.

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